From Humble Beginnings

Our story began with a dream. A dream to create an A/C company that would not only provide excellent quality service but also serve as a ministry to others. After serving in the U.S. Navy, our owner felt called to do something more meaningful. To create a company that would make a difference in people's lives. With a vision of our Advent A/C logo given to him during prayer, he started working towards his dream. From working out of a shed to where we are today, we have never lost sight of this goal - "the best service with fair prices." Through faith, hard work, dedication, and commitment to excellence, Advent A/C's story continues to be a testament to the Lord's vision and values. Today, we continue to provide exceptional service to our customers, always going the extra mile to ensure their satisfaction. We are proud to be a part of this journey and to serve as an inspiration to others who have a dream, a vision, and a desire to make a difference.

The Sabbath

Step by step, Advent A/C has been created by God's divine hand. We understand that quality service comes from technicians who are well-rested, refreshed, with renewed minds in Christ. We are closed every Saturday, In observance of the Lord's Day. The Sabbath allows us to take time to honor and worship Jesus as commanded in Exodus 20:8-11 and John 14:15.

The Golden Rule Family

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" Luke 6:31

Join our Golden Rule Family membership and help us provide the best service for your A/C system! Read about the listed benefits below of being a member!

Family Member Benefits

Priority Services

Gain priority access to emergency services by skipping ahead of non-family members in the front line. This can help you receive faster services during critical situations.